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21 May 2019

Mobile Surveillance Smart Traffic Solution Drives Urban Governance

    Smart City Applications

May, 2019

OT Systems in China Mobile 5G Innovation Centre Hong Kong Open Lab

Smart City means to apply different innovation and technology concept into the systems and services of urban management so as to enhance resource efficiency, utilize urban management and services and better citizen’s quality of life.

Smart Traffic Control is one of the focuses of urban governance. The traffic system is the blood vessel of a city. It facilitates the development of business and infrastructures, and promotes cultural and technological development. The efficiency of urban operation would then be enhanced which makes urban governance more comprehensive.

Other than relieving the traffic problems, it integrates the security systems of the police and improves public security. As the smart city solution humanizes the city and fulfills the trend of smart environment, it achieves sustainable development. The coming traffic system focuses on planning and management. It changes the concept from “setting a vehicle-based system” to “developing a sustainable traffic environment with elements of security, user-friendliness, comfort, and health”.

Artificial Intelligence Video Recognition Helps Smart Traffic Control

The relationship between smart traffic and video surveillance applications is indispensable. With captures from the video, the system will recognize related objects and behavior with AI deep-learning which decreases the errors due to human vision problems.

AI Video Analysis could recognize various vehicle information: number plates, vehicle types, vehicle colors, and speed, etc. By integrating with the transportation system from the government, it could collect useful information and execute customized action: traffic flow control, traffic control on particular spot, illegal parking improvement, traffic congestion improvement, lost vehicle recognition, further action such as ban on vehicle in contravention of law to be driven on a road, car park management enhancement, and cargo clearance automation, etc. With the help of video analysis to improve public security and logistic efficiency, the operation of related government department becomes more efficient.

Diversified Integration Service, Data Collection and Smart Control


Currently, the Smart City infrastructures in different cities have reached from the stages R&D, demonstration & testing, to the stages of expansion and promotion. The One-Stop Smart City Solution of OT Systems breaks the previous limitations and fulfills the needs of diversified Smart Traffic.

Moreover, with integration with the One-Stop Smart City Solution and Traffic Management System, government officers could collect and detect related information, and make statistical analysis based on past information anytime anywhere. With increasing data and improving algorithm, the accuracy of outputs for urban traffic based on the Law of Large Numbers increases. It betters the application on different control and management strategies, and implements the value-added of Smart Traffic system.

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